Be ready for the LTOPF Caravan.
The Regional Civil Security Unit - NCR (RCSU-NCR) has graciously offered to host an LTOPF Caravan with the assistance of P.B.Dionisio & Co. The LTOPF Caravan will happen this April 18 to 20, 2023 at 4/F PBD Bldg II, #27 Don Alejandro Roces Avenue.
doh safety guidelines
Be safe by following the health guidelines:
1. Wear your face mask.
2. Wash hands regularly.
Please be aware, if you have fever or show symptoms of coronavirus, you will be asked to leave for everyone's safety.
how to apply for an LTOPF.
Video shown will only serve as a guide for normal processing
and renewal of LTOPF.
Open to new applicants, seniors, and renewals. Must be at least 21 to apply for an LTOPF.
What you get:
1. Neuro-Psychiatric Exam and Interview
2. Drug Test
3. National Police Clearance
how to be ready for the ltopf caravan.
Be prepared to save time by having your FEO, PNP Online accounts.
1. Complete the LTOPF application form. You can download and print the form, Important: Fill out the form.
New FEO Guideline Notice:
2. For new applicants, create your FEO Online account at
3. For National Police Clearance, have your PNP account ready. If you do not have one, go to
Important: Set an early appointment and pay online so you can get your NPC ready at your designated branch.
be prepared.
P.B.Dionisio & Co.’s Gun Safety Seminar is now online

Get your Gun Safety Seminar and upload it to your FEO Online account before taking your Neuro and Drug Test at the LTOPF Caravan.
1. Ballpen and Pencil
2. 2 pcs of 2×2 ID picture
3. 2 Valid Government IDs
4. Cash Payment for the following:
GSS – P500.00
GSS Validation – P100.00
Be confident and knowledgeable when handling a firearm. Attend the PBDionisio & Co. Online Gun Safety Seminar.
Please be aware, this online seminar cover the topics of the P.B.Dionisio & Co. Gun Safety Seminar, but you still need to appear at the P.B.Dionisio Shooting Range to take the written exam and the actual test fire.
Please be aware that you will not be allowed to take the Neuro and Drug Test if you haven't completed your requirements including Gun Safety Seminar.
Bring the following to the event;
1. Ballpen and Pencil
2. 2 pcs of 2×2 ID picture
3. 2 Valid Government IDs
4. Cash Payment for the following:
Notary – P200.00
Neuro Exam – P900.00 (P720.00 for senior with senior ID)
Drug Test – P300.00
NPC – P160.00
Where is it going to happen?

PB Dionisio Bldg. II 27 Don Alejandro Roces Avenue, Quezon City 1103 Brgy, Quezon City, 1103 Metro Manila
where can I park?
Parking is limited in the venue, but there is a car park nearby.

Park at 16 Sct. Magbanua, Quezon City, Metro Manila
what's going to happen?
New FEO Guideline Notice:
Requirements must be uploaded on your FEO Online Account before taking Neuro and Drug Test at the LTOPF Caravan.
Step 1: FEO
Submit LTOPF Application form.
Verify FEO Online Account.
Step 2: Notary
Notarize form before uploading to FEO Online.
Step 3: P.B. Dionisio LTOPF Assistance Booth
Uploading of requirements.
Step 4: Finance Service
Pay fees.
Notary - P200.00
Neuro Exam - P900.00 (P720.00 for senior with senior ID)
Drug Test - P300.00
National Police Clearance - P160.00
Step 5: Health Service
Take Neuro-Psychiatric Exam and Interview. Results will be transmitted to your account.
Step 6: Crime Lab Group
Fill up form. Give urine sample. Results will be transmitted to your account.
Requirements for a New LTOPF Applicant
Common Requirements to all applicants
New FEO Guideline Notice:
Must be uploaded on your FEO Online Account before taking Neuro and Drug Test at the LTOPF Caravan:
- Gun Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership Seminar Certificate (GSS)
- NSO Birth Certificate or unexpired Passport
- Proof of Latest Billing
- 2 valid ID’s
- 5 pcs 2 x 2 pictures
- National Police Clearance
- Neuro-psychiatric clearance (NP)
- Drug Test clearance (DT)
Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID, Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) and Income Tax Return (ITR)
Businessman / Corporation
Business Permit, Income Tax Return (ITR) & SEC / DTI
Private Employee
Income Tax Return (ITR), Certificate of Employment and Payslip
Overseas Filipino Workers
Certificate of Employment/ Contract of Employment and Payslip
Retired Businessmen & Professionals/Senior Citizens
Bank account certificate, Land Title of farm if any, Senior ID or proof of any source of income
Government Employees
Copy of Appointment Order, Oath of Office from Civil Service and Payslip
Retired Government Employee
Retirement Order or any appropriate document
Military Reservists
J9 Clearance
Requirements for RENEWAL OF LTOPF
Common Requirements to all applicants
New FEO Guideline Notice:
Must be uploaded on your FEO Online Account before taking Neuro and Drug Test at the LTOPF Caravan:
- 2 valid IDs
- National Police Clearance
- Neuro-psychiatric clearance (NP)
- Drug Test clearance (DT)
Ronald G. Tionko
April 5, 2023 at 1:27 pmHello.
My FEO LTOPF is expiring next year, February, 2024.
Am I allowed to renew it already at this time?
April 16, 2023 at 9:52 am6 months before expiration.